Construct, decode transactions and work with Clarity smart contracts on the Stacks blockchain.
This reference refers to the 7.x.x release of Stacks.js—it's the recommended version to use, but not needed for the Stacks Nakamoto release.
Read the migration guide to learn how to update to the latest version.
Use the makeSTXTokenTransfer (with a sender private key), or the "unsigned" version makeUnsignedSTXTokenTransfer (with a sender public key, without yet signing) to create a STX token transfer transaction.
import { makeSTXTokenTransfer, broadcastTransaction } from '@stacks/transactions';const txOptions = { recipient: 'SP3FGQ8Z7JY9BWYZ5WM53E0M9NK7WHJF0691NZ159', amount: 12345n, memo: 'test memo', senderKey: 'b244296d5907de9864c0b0d51f98a13c52890be0404e83f273144cd5b9960eed01', network: 'testnet', // for mainnet, use 'mainnet'};const transaction = await makeSTXTokenTransfer(txOptions);// to see the raw serialized txconst serializedTx = transaction.serialize(); // hex string// broadcast to the networkconst response = await broadcastTransaction({ transaction, network: 'testnet' });console.log(response.txid);
import { makeContractCall, broadcastTransaction, Cl, Pc } from '@stacks/transactions';// Add an optional post conditionconst condition01 = Pc.principal('SP2ZD731ANQZT6J4K3F5N8A40ZXWXC1XFXHVVQFKE') .willSendGte(1000000n) .ustx();const txOptions = { contractAddress: 'SPBMRFRPPGCDE3F384WCJPK8PQJGZ8K9QKK7F59X', contractName: 'contract_name', functionName: 'contract_function', functionArgs: [Cl.bufferFromUtf8('foo string')], postConditions: [condition01], validateWithAbi: true, // check if the arguments given are compatible with the function senderKey: 'b244296d5907de9864c0b0d51f98a13c52890be0404e83f273144cd5b9960eed01', network: 'testnet', // for mainnet, use 'mainnet'};const transaction = await makeContractCall(txOptions);// broadcast to the networkconst response = await broadcastTransaction({ transaction, network: 'testnet' });console.log(response.txid);
In this example we construct a contract-call transaction with a post condition. We have set the validateWithAbi option to true, so the makeContractCall builder will attempt to fetch this contracts ABI from the specified Stacks network, and validate that the provided functionArgs match what is described in the ABI. This should help you avoid constructing invalid contract-call transactions. If you would prefer to provide your own ABI instead of fetching it from the network, the validateWithAbi option also accepts ClarityABI objects.
To generate a sponsored transaction, first create and sign the transaction as the origin. The sponsored property in the options object must be set to true.
import { makeContractCall, Cl } from '@stacks/transactions';const txOptions = { contractAddress: 'SPBMRFRPPGCDE3F384WCJPK8PQJGZ8K9QKK7F59X', contractName: 'contract_name', functionName: 'contract_function', functionArgs: [Cl.bufferFromUtf8('foo string')], validateWithAbi: true, senderKey: 'b244296d5907de9864c0b0d51f98a13c52890be0404e83f273144cd5b9960eed01', network: 'testnet', // for mainnet, use 'mainnet' sponsored: true,};const transaction = await makeContractCall(txOptions);const serializedTx = transaction.serialize();// can't broadcast sponsored transactions before they are sponsored
The serialized transaction can now be passed to the sponsoring party which will sign the sponsor portion of the transaction and set the fee.
To generate a multi-sig transaction, first create an unsigned transaction.
The numSignatures and publicKeys properties in the options object must be set:
import { makeUnsignedSTXTokenTransfer, createStacksPrivateKey, deserializeTransaction, pubKeyfromPrivKey, publicKeyToString, TransactionSigner, standardPrincipalCV, BytesReader, AnchorMode,} from '@stacks/transactions';const recipient = standardPrincipalCV('SP3FGQ8...');const amount = 2500000n;const fee = 0n;const memo = 'test memo';// private keys of the participants in the transactionconst privKeyStrings = ['6d430bb9...', '2a584d89...', 'd5200dee...'];// create private key objects from string arrayconst privKeys =;// corresponding public keysconst pubKeys =;// create public key string array from objectsconst pubKeyStrings =;const transaction = await makeUnsignedSTXTokenTransfer({ recipient, amount, fee, memo, numSignatures: 2, // number of signature required publicKeys: pubKeyStrings, // public key string array with >= numSignatures elements anchorMode: AnchorMode.Any,});const serializedTx = transaction.serialize();
This transaction payload can be passed along to other participants to sign. In addition to
meeting the numSignatures requirement, the public keys of the parties who did not sign the
transaction must be appended to the signature.
// deserialize and sign transactionconst bytesReader = new BytesReader(serializedTx);// Partially signed or unsigned multi-sig tx can be deserialized to add the required signaturesconst deserializedTx = deserializeTransaction(bytesReader);const signer = new TransactionSigner(deserializedTx);// first signaturesigner.signOrigin(privKeys[0]);// second signaturesigner.signOrigin(privKeys[1]);// after meeting the numSignatures requirement, the public// keys of the participants who did not sign must be appendedsigner.appendOrigin(pubKeys[2]);// the serialized multi-sig txconst serializedSignedTx = deserializedTx.serialize();
Building transactions that call functions in deployed clarity contracts requires you to construct valid Clarity Values to pass to the function as arguments. The Clarity type system contains the following types:
a list of maximum length max-len, with entries of type entry-type
(response ok-type err-type)
object used by public functions to commit their changes or abort. May be returned or used by other functions as well, however, only public functions have the commit/abort behavior.
(optional some-type)
an option type for objects that can either be (some value) or none
(buff max-len)
byte buffer or maximum length max-len.
object representing a principal (whether a contract principal or standard principal).
boolean value ('true or 'false)
signed 128-bit integer
unsigned 128-bit integer
This library contains Typescript types and classes that map to the Clarity types, in order to make it easy to construct well-typed Clarity values in Javascript. These types all extend the abstract class ClarityValue.
import { trueCV, falseCV, noneCV, someCV, intCV, uintCV, standardPrincipalCV, contractPrincipalCV, responseErrorCV, responseOkCV, listCV, tupleCV, bufferCV,} from '@stacks/transactions';import { utf8ToBytes } from '@stacks/common';// construct boolean clarity valuesconst t = trueCV();const f = falseCV();// construct optional clarity valuesconst nothing = noneCV();const something = someCV(t);// construct a buffer clarity value from an existing byte arrayconst bytes = utf8ToBytes('foo'); // Uint8Array(3) [ 102, 111, 111 ]const bufCV = bufferCV(bytes);// construct signed and unsigned integer clarity valuesconst i = intCV(-10);const u = uintCV(10);// construct principal clarity valuesconst address = 'SP2JXKMSH007NPYAQHKJPQMAQYAD90NQGTVJVQ02B';const contractName = 'contract-name';const spCV = standardPrincipalCV(address);const cpCV = contractPrincipalCV(address, contractName);// construct response clarity valuesconst errCV = responseErrorCV(trueCV());const okCV = responseOkCV(falseCV());// construct tuple clarity valuesconst tupCV = tupleCV({ a: intCV(1), b: trueCV(), c: falseCV(),});// construct list clarity valuesconst l = listCV([trueCV(), falseCV()]);
If you develop in Typescript, the type checker can help prevent you from creating wrongly-typed Clarity values. For example, the following code won't compile since in Clarity lists are homogeneous, meaning they can only contain values of a single type. It is important to include the type variable BooleanCV in this example, otherwise the typescript type checker won't know which type the list is of and won't enforce homogeneity.
const l = listCV<BooleanCV>([trueCV(), intCV(1)]);
The Stacks blockchain's post-condition processor can NOT check ownership.
It checks whether or not a principal will send or will not send an NFT.
Post-conditions can NOT verify anything about the recipient of an asset.
If you want to verify conditions about asset recipients, you will need to use Clarity.